Official Opening of Heideveld Infectious Diseases Clinic | Western Cape Government


Official Opening of Heideveld Infectious Diseases Clinic

13 November 2012

The Western Cape Minister of Health, Theuns Botha, in conjunction with the South African Medical and Education Foundation officially opened the Heideveld Infectious Diseases Clinic at Heideveld Community Health Centre (CHC), Monday, 12 November 2012.

Heideveld CHC started its ARV services in 2010 after GF Jooste Hospital transferred its ARV patients to the facility.

In April 2010, the new unit was upgraded to handle the TB patients that are being counselled and treated at the facility. The facility serves a population of approximately 35 000 people. It services communities between the N2 and Lansdowne Road, including communities of Heideveld, Welcome Estate, Vanguard Estate, Manenberg Surry Estate, Primrose Park, and Tambo Village.

Heideveld CHC offers a number of services including ARV services, basic antenatal care, Prothrombin Index clinic, chronic and curative services, disability grant assessments, counselling services by a social worker, health promotion services, emergency contraception and both male and female sterilisation services.

Minor theatre cases such as lumps and bumps, medical male circumcision, pharmaceutical services, nutritional services, radiography, physiotherapy, dental services, mental health services and school health services are also offered.

To improve on the services offered, the facility needed enough TB filter lights and sufficient ventilation throughout the facility, which will help stop the cross-infection of TB between patients as well as staff.

The facility is experiencing an annual increase of 300 to 400 patients per year. The total cost for the upgrade amounted to R1 350 000 for both the construction & renovation and for the medical equipment.

Media Enquiries: 

Sithembiso Magubane
Tel: 021 483 2904
Cell: 071 315 3581