In a statement to highlight national Breastfeeding Week, Uys says a sound and well supported breastfeeding scheme is the foundation of a strong immune system.
"We have been advocating and promoting the advantages of breast feeding in all our health care facilities throughout the province through talks, exhibitions and the distribution of nutrition information in all our health districts and have also had wonderful results with our kangaroo mother care system. This system involves exclusive breastfeeding (mothers only feeding their own babies) with its principle of skin-to-skin contact where the naked baby is placed between the mother's bare breasts and is tied securely with a cloth.
There are many advantages to breastfeeding:
Mothers must be made fully aware of these advantages and Breastfeeding Week aims at highlighting them thereby promoting breastfeeding. According to the WHO breastfeeding and improved complementary feeding practices alone, reduced the under 5 year old mortality rate by 19%.
Sound Bites/Enquiries: Min Uys 0824555144
Herman vd Westhuizen: 0827729161.
Ms H Isaacs
Ministry of Health
4 Dorp Street, Cape Town
Telephone: 021 483 5477
Fax: 021 4834143