Media Alert: Official Opening of Tygerberg Hospital's Central Sterilisation Service Department | Western Cape Government


Media Alert: Official Opening of Tygerberg Hospital's Central Sterilisation Service Department

4 November 2009
Professor Craig Househam, Head of the Western Cape Department of Health, will officially open the new Central Sterilisation Service Department (CSSD) of Tygerberg Hospital.

The Central Sterilisation Service Department has been under construction for 18 months. Equipment of more than R14.5 million was purchased to modernise the unit. Infrastructure work costed in the vicinity of R10 million to ensure a state of the art facility to produce sterile instruments for surgeons to operate with.

Date: Friday, 06 November 2009
Venue: Boardroom, Ground Floor, Tygerberg Hospital
Time: 11h00

For more information please contact:

Laticia Pienaar
Tel: 021 938 5454
Cell: 073 1713 643

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