Stay safe over this long weekend | Western Cape Government


Stay safe over this long weekend

6 August 2021

As we head into the long weekend we need to remember the practical things we can do to keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe.   

While hands and surface cleaning are important, we know that air droplets cause most COVID-19 infections, as humans breathe in small droplets containing the virus. As a result, we also know that social gatherings contribute substantially to its spread.  

The best is to avoid all gatherings. However, if you have to socialise, you can do the following to limit your risk: 

  • Think small (choose events or get-togethers where there are few people) 
  • Think short (keep your time spent at the event short) 
  • Choose outdoor activities 
  • Wear your mask correctly by covering your nose and mouth 
  • Protect your “air space” by keeping a distance of 1.5m 
  • Avoid crowds, confined spaces with poor ventilation and close contact with others 
  • Open the doors and windows to allow fresh air circulating indoors 
  • Use alcohol responsibly
  • Continue to regularly wash/sanitise your hands 

We love our families, so why would we want to risk exposing them to COVID-19? It is still here and spreads through small air particles – which we breathe in if we do not wear our masks. Anyone can spread the virus - people of all ages including children, teenagers and adults with few or no symptoms. 

Simple behavioural changes will enable us to enjoy this long weekend with the people we love while protecting them.  

Please use alcohol responsibly to avoid putting additional pressure on hospitals.

Remember if you are vaccinated you need to continue practicing these COVID-19 safety measures.