On 18 July 2018, staff members of the Directorate: Road Safety Management in the Department of Transport and Public Works (DTPW) spent 67 minutes teaching learners from Imvumelwano Primary School in Kraaifontein how to use the road safely. Two scholar patrol teams were also trained to assist children to safely cross roads on the way to school. This Mandela Day intervention was supported by various road safety agencies, such as the City of Cape Town’s Traffic Services, Road Accident Fund, and Childsafe SA.
On the day, the importance of partnerships to help spread road safety messages that lead to positive habits was highlighted. Together, all adult road users can set a good example for children by consistently adhering to the rules of the road.
Earlier in the week, the City of Cape Town improved infrastructural road safety features and traffic calming measures around the school. The speed hump was repainted, and a new pedestrian crossing was installed. This will go a long way towards improving road safety for learners and other pedestrians.
DTPW and its partners recognise that scholar patrols are a vital part of road safety education and a critical enhancement of learner safety. Scholar patrol officers regulate traffic, slow down vehicles, and facilitate safe crossing. In addition, they instil an awareness among young pedestrians of the importance of road safety.
For most learners, the highlight of the day was the interaction with the much-loved road safety ambassador Danny Cat. He demonstrated road safety habits and handed out hugs, reflective bibs, reflective wrist bands, and pamphlets.
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za