On 23 June 2017 Gene Louw Traffic College said goodbye to 20 traffic officer learners who received their Further Education and Training Certificate: Road Traffic Law Enforcement and are now authorised traffic officers.
They were accompanied by their relatives on the day. Principal Provincial Inspector (PPI) Thembile Qunta was the parade master and he and the graduates performed a drill demonstration attended by Minister Donald Grant. Three representatives, George, Moses and Nogwaja, from Chrysalis Academy formed part of the parade. We want to thank them for availing themselfs.
Before the official graduation ceremony, an information session was conducted by the College under the leadership of Chief Provincial Inspector (CPI) D Smit, manager of the Traffic Officers’ Component. This was attended by the graduates, parents, spouses and friends. Those present received a report on the 12 month course that all the trainees had been through. Information on the subjects and practical facilitation was presented by five facilitators (PPI Mpiti, PPI Cronje, PPI Qunta, PPI Barnardo, and PPI Ndodana)
The formal proceedings started at 11:00 with a scripture reading and a prayer by Chief Provincial Inspector D Belelie.
Minister Grant delivered his speech to the guests and new authorised traffic officers. He then took part in the handing over of the diplomas and special awards.
Congratulations to all the new traffic officers and especially to those who received special awards.
– Best overall on fitness and restraining techniques
– Consistently the best shooting results as well as theoretical above average
– Highest average on both NRTA summative assessments
– Highest average on Legals
– Highest average on Dangerous Goods, Loads and NRTA unit standards
– Cum Laude student: Above 75% on all RTMC summative assessments and an average of 80,5% on the rest
Also read the news section from our communications department on the event.
Twenty traffic officers graduate from Gene Louw Traffic College