Upgrading of Airport Road from the N2 to Kranshoek | Western Cape Government


Upgrading of Airport Road from the N2 to Kranshoek

13 October 2015

The Department of Transport and Public Works awarded a R76 million contract for the upgrading of the gravel section of Airport Road (District Road 1770) between the N2 and Kranshoek to a surfaced road to Entsha Henra. The existing gravel road will be realigned and the new surface will improve the ride quality.  In addition, 1.2 m wide shoulders will be provided specifically for cyclists.

Work is scheduled to start in mid-October 2015 and the project is expected to have been completed early in 2017 (subject to weather delays and unforeseen hindrances).

The upgrading of Airport Road mainly consists of the following works:

  • Vertical and horizontal realignment in select areas to improve road safety and driveability.
  • Provision of bus stop facilities at Harkerville Primary School.
  • Drainage improvements in the form of subsurface and surface drains.
  • Construction of a new major culvert at Piesang River to reduce the risk of flooding.
  • Removal of alien vegetation from the road reserve and beautification with indigenous plants.
  • Protection and preservation of identified tree species.

A comprehensive environmental management plan has been compiled and the contractor will regularly be audited for compliance. The plan includes search and rescue operations for indigenous plant species and the preservation of protected tree species. Indigenous flora will be safely stored in a dedicated nursery during construction and replanted as the project nears completion.

The road will be closed to through traffic from the N2, so drivers are advised to use alternative routes during construction. Residents and local businesses will be accommodated during this period. Construction will take place in lengths of approximately 2 km at a time, and access will be restricted to residents living along affected stretches of road. Other local residents are strongly discouraged from driving through sections under construction. The entire road will be open to public traffic during the builders’ holidays.

Motorists are requested to drive cautiously while the road is being upgraded and to comply with all the temporary traffic accommodation measures, including revised speed restrictions. We appeal for public patience and cooperation. Waiting times will be minimised to avoid unnecessary delays and frustration.

A total of 16 000 person-days of work will be created for labourers living in the Bitou Municipality, and 7% of the contract value will be dedicated to the development of targeted enterprises in the Western Cape.

Residents and businesses along the affected section of Airport Road will be kept informed about road conditions and roadworks. 

All interested and affected parties and members of the public are welcome to attend a public information session at 17:30 on Thursday, 15 October 2015 at the Bay View Hotel, Main Road, Plettenberg Bay.

Media Enquiries: 
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za

You can follow the Department of Transport and Public Works on Twitter: @WCGovTPW