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Department of Economic Development and Tourism

Registration as a Tourist Guide

Service ID:
Business, Industry and Tenders Tourism, Travel and Passports
Tourist guide registration

Tourist guides (also referred to as Tour guides) are required to be registered to ensure that visitors to our province have a positive experience while they’re on holiday in the Western Cape.

Tourist guides must meet certain criteria before receiving certification. You must follow the code of conduct, have the necessary qualifications and training, and have received first aid training to work as a certified tour guide. 

The safety of our visitors is important to us. Travelling with a registered tourist guide will ensure their well-being and give them the best experience possible. 

Once you are a registered tourist guide, the Tourism Act binds you and requires you to be suitably qualified and to act professionally and in the best interest of your clients. 

Completing an accredited tourist guide training course is the first step to becoming a registered tourist guide

After registering with the Tourist Guide Registration Office of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism, you can start contracting as a tourist guide or working for a tour operator.

Tourist guide online registration

Follow the steps below to complete the online registration process, or contact our office for assistance.

View e-Service

There are 3 fundamental steps to register as a tourist guide in the Western Cape namely: 

  1. Training
  2. Registration
  3. Marketing

1. Training 

Completing an accredited tourist guide training course.

You can get more information and a complete list of trainers and assessors through the Culture Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA)

2. Online registration

Once training is complete, you must register with the Tourist Guide Registration Office.

You can register online. First, create a profile and log into the tourist guide online registration system.

Tourist guide online registration process

 3. Marketing

Once trained, assessed and registered, you can market yourself as a registered tourist guide by contacting tour operators for work.

4. Related Documents

For more information and assistance contact: 

The Tourist Guide Registration
The office is located at:
Ground Floor, NBS Waldorf Arcade
80 St George's Mall,
Cape Town.

The Tourist Guide Registration Office is open on Mondays to Thursdays 08h00-15h00 by appointment to collect cards and badges only. For general enquiries please contact our call centre.

Tel: 0860 142 142 (Select Option 3 - Tourist Guide Queries)

Alternatively, you can complete this form.