Consumer protection

Whether you're buying brand-new or second-hand goods, you have a right to receive goods that are up to standard. If you, as a consumer, have any disputes with a seller or retailer, there's a body that can help you resolve the issue and get adequate compensation.
The Office of the Consumer Protector (OCP) aims to provide access, information, education and compensation to consumers within the province who may experience consumer-related disputes.
The Office consists of 3 sub-directorates:
- Complaints Management.
- Consumer Education and Marketing.
- Consumer Tribunal.
The Western Cape Office of the Consumer Protector is mandated to act as a consumer protection agency within the province by national and provincial legislation.
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa mandates the duty to carry out consumer protection functions. Schedule 4, Part A of the Constitution provides that consumer protection is a functional area with simultaneous national and local legislative powers. This entails that at a provincial level, provincial governments have the authority to legislate on the arena of consumer protection and also provide associated services within this arena.
The vision of the OCP is to provide a consumer protection service that is acknowledged and regarded as a leader within the provincial and national government structure.
Essential Strategy
The OCP's essential strategy will be one of innovation and impact, including implementing national policy where relevant and devising provincial policy that considers the needs of consumers and businesses equally.
The unit's strategic objectives are:
- Promotion of a fair, efficient and transparent marketplace for consumers and businesses (protecting all economic citizens, including small businesses).
- Provision of a consistent, predictable and efficient regulatory framework, which fosters consumer confidence and at the same time recognises the development imperatives of the South African economy.
- Provision of access to effective redress for consumers as economic citizens (including enforcing laws and applying sanctions).
- Promotion of consumer rights awareness, by disclosure and access to information by consumers and recognition and support of the role of activist and confident consumers in promoting a competitive economy.
Consumer Tribunal
The Office of the Consumer Protector acts as a "prosecutor" on behalf of consumers to bring their complaints/cases before the Consumer Tribunal, which is a special court that hears consumer complaints.
More information
Read up on some of the Consumer Protection Legislation in South Africa:
- Western Cape Consumer Affairs (Unfair Business Practices Act) 2002, Act 10 of 2002
- National Credit Act 2005, Act 34 of 2005
- Consumer Affairs (Unfair Business Practices) Amendment Act 21 of 2001
- Consumer Protection Act, Act 68 of 2008
Consumer support information
- Your guide to consumer rights and how to protect them - Consumer Protection Act Booklet
- Your guide to Contracts and what they mean in our law
- To help you make better financial decisions for you and your family - Download your Personal Financial Toolkit.
Office of the Consumer Protector
View e-ServiceContact the Office of the Consumer Protector to lodge your complaint.
The toll-free Call Centre number is 0800 007 081.
The OCP also offers a "walk-in" service where consumers may visit the OCP office at St Georges Mall Cape Town and formally complain.
What are the most prevalent types of complaints received by the OCP
- Electrical and electronic appliance defects
- Furniture - product defects/returns/refunds
- Motor vehicles - repairs
- Financial - micro-loans, collections