MEC’s plea to RETHINK our habits this Earth Day, 22 April 2019. - News | DEA&DP

MEC’s plea to RETHINK our habits this Earth Day, 22 April 2019.

18 April 2019

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle - MEC’s plea to RETHINK our habits this Earth Day, 22 April 2019.

As waste landfills around the province continue to fill up, the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Development planning, Anton Bredell is calling on citizens to do even more to save our environment this Earth Day, 22 April 2019.

“Climate change and global warming are the results of the planet’s ever-increasing population and industrial growth which ultimately increases waste production. Lots of people are already striving to do their part, but we must all do even more,” said Bredell.

The Minister has welcomed this year’s Earth Day, taking place under the theme ‘Protect Our Species’, and has called on all citizens to be aware of and work together towards protecting endangered and threatened species. “We need to shift our thinking and habits to REDUCE. REUSE and RECYCLE as far as possible or else our [in]actions will result in further endangering species and degrading our natural habitat,” said Bredell.

The Western Cape Government in partnership with the National Department of Environmental Affairs has embarked on the Good Green Deeds campaign which seeks to change people’s attitudes and behaviours towards responsible management of waste - keeping their neighbourhoods clean, green and safe.

The Minister lauded the waste management sector as a growing industry that will not only help change the way in which people live but will contribute to the economy through job creation. 

“We will certainly from a provincial government side, do our part to support the development of this industry.”


Media Enquiries:

Rudolf van Jaarsveldt

Head of Communication

Western Cape Government Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

Telephone: 021 483 4051

Fax: 021 483 3211

Cell: 076 319 5027

