CapeNature open for visitors - News | DEA&DP

CapeNature open for visitors

5 February 2021

CapeNature has reopened access to all dams, lakes and rivers adjoining or on CapeNature reserves to the public.

Anton Bredell, MEC for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning says CapeNature is delighted to welcome visitors back again following the relaxation of some Alert Level 3 regulations by President Cyril Ramaphosa earlier this week.

“During Alert Level 3 announced in December 2020, a number of CapeNature hiking trails also had to be closed. From Friday, 5 February 2021, all operational hiking trails on CapeNature reserves, including open access trails, will be open to the public.”

Cape Nature manages 111 natural reserves across the Western Cape – amongst others Robberg, Goukamma and Rocherpan - and plays a major role in protecting and managing the natural environment in the Western Cape.

“The new relaxed regulations allow for all reserves’ gate times to revert to normal. All health protocols and social distancing measures must be adhered to by visitors. We are mindful that we are still in the midst of the pandemic and although our reserves are a haven of open spaces, the health of our staff and visitors will remain our first priority.”

Cederberg and Matjiesrivier - Low Res - Scott Ramsay

Cederberg and Matjiesrivier - Photo credit: Scott Ramsay

For any inquiries or questions, CapeNature can be reached:

Telephone 087 087 8250,

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