Air Quality Management
Air Quality Management provides a supportive and oversight role with respect to air quality management in the Province. The Western Cape has an Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) which serves an effective tool towards ensuring that the Western Cape reaches its goal of becoming the lowest carbon Province in South Africa and the leading green economic hub of the African continent, while growing its economy.
“Clean and healthy air for all in the Western Cape”
"To ensure the effective and consistent implementation of sustainable air quality management practices, by all spheres of government, relevant stakeholders and civil society to progressively achieve and efficiently maintain clean and healthy air in the Western Cape”
- To ensure effective and consistent air quality management
- To continually engage with stakeholders to raise awareness with respect to air quality
- To ensure effective and consistent compliance monitoring and enforcement
- To support climate change protection programmes, including promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Air Quality Monitoring - The focus is on monitoring ambient air quality in the Province in order to ensure compliance with National ambient air quality standards, as well as measuring greenhouse gas emissions (for climate management), through an accredited Western Cape Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network. The WC Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network comprises of 11 monitoring stations that monitor and report on Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Ozone (O3), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Benzene (CH4) and Particulate Matter (PM) at selected locations in the Province.
Air Quality Regulatory Services - The focus is on co-ordinating and enforcing the effective management of Atmospheric Emission Licences (AELs), while promoting alternative technologies to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions to achieve a low carbon society.
Air Quality Planning and Information Management - The key focus is to ensure effective air quality management institutions and planning/reporting mechanisms, inclusive of cost-effective options and opportunities for decreasing emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases in the Province.
World Refrigeration Day 2021
Day 1:
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Session 3:
Day 2: