Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety - Public Information: C | Western Cape Government

Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety - Public Information: C

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.

The Western Cape provincial government (WCG) has identified the reduction of alcohol-related harms as one of its key interventions that will contribute to the strategic priorities of well-being and safety, while ensuring it is targeted to limit its impact on the economy. This is in line with the World Health Organization’s Alcohol Best-Buys which aims to reduce and restrict the availability of alcohol to reduce alcohol-related harms and benefit society as a whole.

The Western Cape Liquor Authority calls for nominations of persons to be appointed as a Deputy Presiding Officer of the Liquor Licensing Tribunal. This notice is Gazetted and published and is in relation to the appointment of a Liquor Licensing Tribunal (LLT) member (DPO) of the WCLA. Regulation 6(4) requires of the Department to ensure that the notice is published in the Provincial Gazette which can be viewed via the below link.

The Western Cape Liquor Authority (“WCLA”) is established by section 2 of the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act 4 of 2008) (“the Act”). There are currently vacancies on the governing board (“the Board”) of the WCLA for persons who meet the requirements set out below. Interested persons are invited to nominate candidates who in their opinion are suitable to be appointed as members of the Board. A similar invitation for nominations was published under Provincial Notice 93/2020 of 25 September 2020.

The Western Cape Liquor Authority (“the WCLA”) is established by section 2 of the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act 4 of 2008) (“the Act”). There is currently a vacancy on the governing board (“the Board”) of the WCLA for a person who meets the requirements set out below. Interested persons are invited to nominate candidates who in their opinion are suitable to be appointed as a member of the Board.

The Western Cape Liquor Authority (“WCLA”) is established by section 2 of the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act 4 of 2008) (“the Act”). There are currently vacancies on the governing board (“the Board”) of the WCLA for persons who meet the requirements set out below. Interested persons are invited to nominate candidates who in their opinion are suitable to be appointed as members of the Board. A similar invitation for nominations was published under Provincial Notice 119/2023 of 17 November 2023.



Community Police Forums (CPFs) are legally mandated to work towards the improvement of police services. In this regard, CPFs work in partnership with SAPS and the Department to achieve the objectives set out in section 18 of the South African Police Services Act 68 of 1995.

The Department will continue to support the Community Police Forum (CPFs) through training and basic funding support. The Department encourages CPFs and Cluster Boards to enter into joint Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) based on the safety plans with municipalities.

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The Court Watching Brief Unit was introduced by the Department of Community Safety to act in accordance with the Constitutional provisions contained in Section 206 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, which provides interalia that every province is entitled to monitor police conduct and report inefficiencies. This is also done in accordance with the Western Cape Community Safety Act. (Act No 3 of 2013) in particular Section 3.