Khoekhoe Geographical Names Brochure | Western Cape Government

Khoekhoe Geographical Names Brochure

(Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport, Western Cape Government)

In the Western Cape there are many geographical names derived from Khoekhoe heritage. These names represent aspects of our province’s history that should be restored and cherished for posterity. Names contribute to a sense of belonging and ownership and by acknowledging the survival of Khoekhoe heritage through place names, social inclusion is promoted.

The Khoekhoe Geographical Names Brochure promotes place names in this province that are derived from Khoekhoe heritage. In this way the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) acknowledges the province’s shared heritage and its diverse cultures. A limited selection of names, listed in the brochure, is available online in Afrikaans, English and Xhosa.

The content on this page was last updated on 10 January 2020