Western Cape Cultural Commission
The Western Cape Cultural Commission (WCCC) is a statutory body that advises the Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport on the preservation, promotion and development of arts and culture in the communities it represents. The commission members are nominated by the public and appointed by the Minister.
The Commission consists of three committees, with the chairperson of each constituting the Executive Committee. Cultural Councils and Facilities are the two committees of the WCCC. In addition to committee meetings, plenary sessions are held.
The committees of the WCCC work towards the services required of their respective portfolios:
- The Cultural Councils Committee considers matters of policy, applications from the cultural councils and co-ordinates these registered cultural councils.
- The Facilties Committee guides the annual tariff review and matters of facility maintenance.
Execution of work
Officials of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) in the Western Cape fulfil the executive and administrative functions associated with the WCCC.
The WCCC members for the 2022-2024 term are:
- Lungelo Nokwaza (Chairperson)
- Quahnita Samie
- Wayne Winster
- Petronell Baard
- Jumath Hop
- Siphiwo Mavumengwana
- Melvin Arendse
- Martin Myers
- Rene Weston
- Bernedette Muthien
- Katharine Dumbrell
For more information about the Western Cape Cultural Commission (WCCC), please write to us at the postal or email address listed below.
E-mail: Thandwa.Ntshona@westerncape.gov.za
Telephone: 021 483 9541
Fax: 021 483 9711
Street Address: 3rd Floor, Protea Assurance Building, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town, 8001
Postal Address: The Secretariat, Western Cape Cultural Commission (WCCC), Private Bag X9067, Cape Town, 8001
Overseeing Government Body: Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport