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Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport

We mourn the loss of one of the shapers of the Afrikaans literary landscape: Breyten Breytenbach

24 November 2024 | by  

The Western Cape Government is saddened at the loss of one of the biggest Afrikaans voices of our lifetime, with the news of the passing of poet, writer and painter, Breyten Breytenbach. 

Breytenbach was a celebrated writer who used his art as a tool to protest against the injustices of the apartheid government. Born in Bonnievale in the Western Cape, he spent much of his life abroad but always remained deeply committed to South Africa. He returned to South Africa in 1975 and was imprisoned for nine years under charges of treason. 

He would go on to become one of the most prolific and celebrated Afrikaans writers of his time, who was passionate about the language and who shared his passion with others. His legacy lives on through the Breytenbach centre in Wellington, which strives to promote and grow the arts and literature.

The provincial Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Ricardo Mackenzie, said: “This is a sad day for literature in our country. Breyten Breytenbach was a brave voice of his time, who fought against the oppression that he saw around him, and who championed Afrikaans as a language of expression, rather than oppression. His voice will live on for many generations to come.”

Our deepest condolences go out to Breyten’s wife Yolande, his family, friends, and all those who knew him and whose lives were touched by his art.

Media enquiries:
Tania Colyn
Head of Communications
Tel: 076 093 4913