Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserve - Flagship | 110% Green

Cape Winelands Biosphere Reserve

Road to Dignity

The CWBR commits to implementing the following projects under the banner of Road to Dignity in the Western Cape: a) Sewrage to trees (closing water and waste cycles within communities has the potential to not only radically reduce pollution of the rivers, but also create jobs, tackle global warming and beautify living conditions- all resulting in a more dignified environment- the basis of this project is to channel all waste water from certain areas through micro sewerage work, and then using the purified waste water to supply tree nurseries and food garden); b) Essential Service upgrades (the CWBR together with local and international business has instigated the research and implementation of green energy services - this includes lighting, water supply and cooking facilities); c) Urban Design Program (the CWBR is investigating together, with various int. people and institutions, to try and finf innovative ideas of implementing high density housing designs, which do not cost more, but address sustainability and provide a far greater "Spirit of Place" than present design and building methods used in South Africa).