Checking whether you are registered on the Voters' Roll | Western Cape Government

Checking whether you are registered on the Voters' Roll


Before you can vote in an election, you need to be registered on the voter's roll.

The Roll contains the details of individual voters and is an important planning tool. For example, it allows the IEC to know how many people are likely to vote in each area so that they can ensure that there are sufficient voting stations.

The Voters' Roll is also an important way of preventing electoral fraud.

There are around 3,111,815 voters registered in the Western Cape


You can check whether you are registered online. To do this, you'll need to have your ID number. If you're registered, your Voters' Roll details will be displayed, including where you're registered.

You can also phone the IEC toll-free number: 0800 11 8000 or visit your local Municipal Electoral Office to check your registration details. You can also SMS your ID number to 32810 (R1.00 per SMS).

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The content on this page was last updated on 16 September 2019