Minister Mackenzie meets SAPS, NPA over taxi related crimes | Western Cape Government



Minister Mackenzie meets SAPS, NPA over taxi related crimes

26 June 2023

Media release by Ricardo Mackenzie, Western Cape Minister of Mobility

I recently had urgent meetings with the South African Police Services (SAPS) and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) following the recent shootings in the minibus taxi industry.

The minibus-taxi industry has over the years been marred by incessant incidents of violence stemming mainly from overtrading, the monopolisation of taxi routes, a proliferation of illegal operators, turf battles and route invasions.  This has resulted in damage to property and the loss of human lives. 

The Western Cape Mobility Department is aware of some 555 taxi-related cases including murders and attempted murders committed between 2019 to 2022.  

The mandate of the Mobility Department is to effectively regulate public transport services.  This includes the registration of taxi associations and their members and ensuring adherence to the Standard Constitution and Code of Conduct.  The Provincial Taxi Registrar may also call an inquiry where information has come to his or her attention that an association or member has violated the conditions of the Standard Constitution and Code of Conduct.  This may result in the suspension or cancellation of the registration certificate. 

The on-going taxi violence has resulted in the suspension and de-registration of taxi associations and members and the cancellation of several operating licences.  As the Minister responsible for Mobility in the province, I can invoke my powers in terms of section 91 of the National Land Transport Act to introduce extra-ordinary measures in areas marred by taxi violence.  This has resulted in the closure of routes and ranks and the disruption of travel patterns. 

But these actions come at a significant cost to our already struggling economy.  Although the actions can stabilise and contain the situation, it has not stopped the violence.  Violence breeds further violence and if there are no consequences, it will continue to escalate.  It is clear that we cannot use our limited regulatory powers to deal with criminal actions. 

The South African Police Services has a constitutional duty to prevent, combat and investigate crime. SAPS must also maintain public order, uphold and enforce the law and protect and secure citizens of the Republic of South Africa.

Similarly, the National Prosecuting Authority has the power to institute criminal proceedings on behalf of the state and to carry out any necessary functions incidental to instituting criminal proceedings. 

I asked the SAPS to provide a comprehensive report on how many of the cases are currently under investigation and the progress made in respect of each matter.  I also asked the NPA to provide a progress report on cases where criminal proceedings have been instituted. 

The people of the Western Cape are captive to public transport to actively participate in the economy and to access social and educational opportunities.  As government, we have a Constitutional duty to provide services to communities in a sustainable manner.  This includes public transport services.  In essence, public transport is the lifeblood of the economy.

In our meetings, I urged both the SAPS and the NPA to prioritise taxi-related cases in terms of time and resources in order to stabilise the taxi industry and to demonstrate to our citizens that there are consequences for violent and criminal conduct.  Only successful convictions will stop or significantly reduce violent incidents in the taxi industry.

To this end, I am pleased with the outcome of the meetings with the SAPS and the NPA, which led to an agreement to strengthen our relationship through the formation of a Joint Task Team to deal with taxi-related violence and the formation of a special unit to spearhead prosecutor-guided investigations in cases involving taxi-related crimes.  

Media Enquiries: 

Ntomboxolo Makoba-Somdaka

Cell: 082 953 0026
