Marking of Matric Papers Concluded | Western Cape Government



Marking of Matric Papers Concluded

19 December 2014

Statement by Debbie Schäfer, Minister of Education

Marking of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) 2014 examination scripts concluded over the weekend. The marking was moderated internally, and the marking centre was visited by both the Department of Basic Education (DBE)  and Umalusi moderators in the various subjects.

Once the markers have marked each paper, a percentage of scripts and markers are moderated (remarked) by senior markers appointed for this purpose. The marked scripts are then checked by "mark checkers" and then uploaded onto a national database.
Rigorous mark checking and capturing of all marks were completed yesterday and final checks are currently underway.
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is satisfied with the process of this very concentrated and critical process of the examinations and we want to thank all markers, mark checkers and capturers for the very responsible and professional way that they went about this process.
The much anticipated results of the NSC are expected to be announced on the 5 of January 2015 by the National Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga. Schools and candidates in the Western Cape will receive their results on 6 January 2015.
Schools collect the results from district offices on the morning of the release. They are then asked to analyse the results and check for any errors. At 12:00 on 6 January 2015, the 2014 NSC candidates will then receive their individual results.
Many parents and learners question why, in the Western Cape, learners have to wait until 12:00 the following day to receive their results. This is done for a number of reasons which include the fact that principals check the results to identify any errors, and to alert the WCED regarding a candidate that may be disappointed by their results and need counselling.
The WCED has counsellors available across the Province should candidates need assistance.
I am confident that the 2014 NSC candidates will do themselves and the Western Cape proud and I look forward to the final announcement on 5 January 2014.

Media Enquiries: 

Jessica Shelver
Spokesperson for Minister Debbie Schafer
Tel: 021 467 2376
Cell: 076 175 0663