Donating to Groote Schuur Hospital | Western Cape Government

Donating to Groote Schuur Hospital

(Department of Health and Wellness, Western Cape Government)
Summarises information on how members of the public can help Groote Schuur by donating to the hospital. It gives contact details and information on the organisations that help Groote Schuur.
Groote Schuur is a wholly state funded hospital, but steady budget cuts and rising costs mean that the hospital increasingly relies on donations and funding from the private sector. Groote Schuur accepts both donations and bequests; both of these are income tax or estate duty exempt.

Currently Groote Schuur raises funds through:

The Groote Schuur Hospital Facilities Board Raises funds on behalf of the hospital for a variety of purposes, from equipment to community helpers. More...
The Benevolent Association Raises money and goods (such as food and clothing) for patients in need. More...

Examples of recent donations are:

  • R150,000 by South African Breweries to the Trauma Unit for equipment.
  • Argus Newspaper/Pick 'n Pay "Women can do it" raised R2 million through community efforts for the purchase of a Linear Accelerator for the Department of Radiation Oncology.
  • R500,000 bequest from the estate of the late BG Braam, which will be used to refurbish the Outpatients Building.
  • Four "Bear Cub" ventilators were donated by the Swedish Medical Centre, Seattle, USA, to our Neonatal Unit.

The Hospital wishes to thank all our donors for their generous support.

Anyone wishing to make a donation to the Hospital can contact:
The Groote Schuur Hospital Facilities Board
Phone/fax: 021 404 2002


The Groote Schuur Hospital Facility Board is an autonomous body that raises funds through donations and bequest for Groote Schuur Hospital. The Board was established through Act seven of 2001, and officially opened by the Minister of Health. The Board has been granted exemption under Section 18A of the Income Tax Act, so that monies donated are tax deductible.

The Facility Board finances equipment and patient and staff amenities that are not covered by the Provincial Health Department. The hospital could not function without this vital body as Provincial budget cuts mean that the hospital relies increasingly on outside sponsors.

Donations are gratefully accepted and the Groote Schuur Hospital Facility Board can be contacted on:
Tel /Fax: 021 404 2002

Please call for a copy of the bequest form.


The Benevolent Association assists needy patients and their families. It is a registered welfare organisation that raises its own funds via shops, kiosks and trolleys in the hospital, and from donations and other fund-raising activities. It provides food parcels, transport, clothing, wheelchairs, etc. to patients who cannot afford these basic necessities.

The Voluntary Aid Service is administered by the Benevolent Association and is a group of volunteers providing personal care to patients during their stay. They offer hairdressing, magazines, reading and letter-writing, and tuck-shop facilities.

For further information please contact Henk Vermeullen:
Tel.: 021 404 2022
Fax: 021 404 3516

The content on this page was last updated on 15 March 2014