: Become a contributor to the After School Advantage journal - News | After School Game Changer

<APPLICATIONS CLOSED>: Become a contributor to the After School Advantage journal

15 November 2017
After School Advantage_flier

Become a contributor

After School Advantage is a new journal dedicated to exploring and promoting the after school sector. The journal will be published twice a year and is aimed at volunteers, coaches, educators, principals, researchers and anyone else interested or involved in after school programmes for K-12 learners.

We are keen to include the voices of all stakeholders in After School Advantage and invite contributions from anyone with expertise in after school programming, irrespective of their qualifications. However, articles published in the journal need to be analytical and evidence-based and not merely descriptive news items.
We are currently seeking articles for the first issue of After School Advantage, which will be published in early 2018. The theme of the first issue is “the benefits of the extended school day”.

Please submit a proposal of no more than 500 words, accompanied by a short CV, to the managing editor at afterschool@westerncape.govza by no later than 30 November, 2017. The editorial board will review the proposals and will then invite a select number to submit full length articles. Notification of acceptance will be on 15 December 2017, and final articles are due on 30 January 2018.

Please note that both your proposal and your full length article should be:

  • Original
  • Relevant to the proposed theme
  • Analytical, with arguments drawing on reputable research
  • Accessible to individuals from a wide range of educational backgrounds
  • Of interest to both a local and international audience.

Furthermore, should your proposal be accepted, your article needs to be between 3000 and 4000 words in length, excluding references.
We are also welcome any inquiries about possible article topics. To discuss your ideas, please contact Jess du Toit at Jessica.DuToit@westerncape.gov.za.